
Showing posts from October, 2020

Master Edits in a Professional Film

  Parallelism- This scene is from the show, Grand Army. Through this scene we see one of the min characters Sid feeling scared and uncomfortable to the fact that everyone may be judging him, after a boom went off near their school. As the scene goes on we see another two main character Owen and Jayson playing their saxophone to make money. Finally we see a dog, the dog is the parallelism in this scene Leitmotif- This scene is an example of leitmotif because the author is repeatedly using similar music in both clips. from the first clip we see one of the main characters joey is traumatized after she gets sexually assaulted in the back of a cab. Again we see another scene were she remembers the event and the similar background sound is played from the past event to her present thinking of the past event.  Contrast - In this scene from fats and furious one of the main characters is seen to violently trying to escape with a baby. Throughout the scene ...

Five Master Edits

   Contrast- For my contrast shot I choose to show a scene where I am signing a vegan pledge. While I am signing this pledge the viewer can see me eating non-vegan food. This forces the reader to notice my hypocrecy.  Parallelism- For my parallelism shot I showed the viewer a picture of my younger self driving a toy car and then showed my future self in a real car,  Symbolism- For symbolism I showed the viewer the literal captivating of "emotion of rollercoaster" Ssimultaneity- With this I showed the viewer a shot where a mother warns her child about not eating the muffins. Despite this, the kid still eats the muffin. The viewer is put on a suspense trip as the video shots show the kid is about to get caught.  Leitmotif- I show myself trying to complete an assignment before 11:59. The clock is supposed to show and portray the idea that I am running out of time.