Movie Shot
Review of a few camera angles from the movie The Hunger Games" (2012) From the producer Gary Ross I choose the movie, "The Hunger Games" because I am a big fan of the book series. I really liked the dystopian world affect the author collins added to the book, which we don't really see in many books/movies today. The book/movie is a good example of a few relatable things we can use today to spark needed discussions. Instead of the typical establishing shot, the movie starts oof with a close shot. Within the close shot the two characters are unknown. this creates a sense of confusing and suspense for the reader. creating a sense of curiosity leaving the reader wanting more. Different camera angles incorporate different emotions, in this case adding an untypical camera shot creates confusion and logging for more information. Although this shot is a mixture of many different shots, I want to examine the tight-shot of Katniss attempting to shoot the deer. throug...