
Showing posts from November, 2020

Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"

  Throughout the movie, “Agent Carter,” many filming elements are used to construct suspense, sadness, and more. The movie starts off with  the  typical marvel graphic  and  a  nonsimultaneous  sound  of Peggy and Captain America talking in the background. This sound  tells  us  information  about the  characters  before the movie even starts. In this case, we can tell that the  two   main  characters are having some conflicts with a plane.  Furthermore , one of the characters  can be heard saying she will get help while the other seems to disagree.    Further  into the movie we finally get to see the  characters with some direct sounds.  Which is typically used to show dialog amongst characters. This creates a sense of realism and authentic conversation between Peggy and Captain America.  In addition to this, the viewer sees an eye level shot with Peggy as well a...

Film Elements Graphic Organizer



   I decided to comment on the mise-en-scene of the movie " First They Killed My Father." I picked this movie because it is primarily based around the Cambodian genocide. Loung Ung is a 5-year-old when the Khmer Rogue overpowers the Cambodians in 1975. Nearly 2 million Cambodians died during this genocide. The movie does a good job portraying the emotions and hardships the Cambodians faced during the genocide through the four general mise-en-scene areas: setting, lighting, costume, and staging.  At the beginning of the movie, the viewer sees a  high-key lighting  scene .  5-year old Loung Ung is seen walking throughout her parent's house. She passes by her tv and shows her grand balcony to her house. The high-key lighting gives a radiant and happy vibe to the first scene.  The next scene shows Loung Ung neighborhood being evacuated due to Americans booming. The soldiers tell the civilians that they are allowed to come back after three days, but we soon...

Five Master Edits with Sound Effects

1)  Music:  I added music throughout my video to give it a fun and rollercoaster of emotions vibe. Most of my clips were mainly filmed on my phone and had no sound. Due to this, I lack many voice-overs and original sound within my videos.   2)   Non-diegetic sound :  I added a non-diegetic sound for my contrast clip. the sound used is a very lighthearted and almost honest sound. Similarly to contrast, this forces the reader to comprehend the missing similarities between the actions and sound. Therefore they are able to understand and comprehend the character is doing something wrong and problematic.  3)   Non-diegetic sound : I added a very happy song within my parallelism clip to create this emotion of success and growth. Through the clip, the viewer can clearly see that the character went from driving a fake car to a real one. This again symbolism the action of growth and new chapters.  4) Synchronous sound:  I use a synchr...