Film Viewing Practice Essay "Agent Carter"
Throughout the movie, “Agent Carter,” many filming elements are used to construct suspense, sadness, and more. The movie starts off with the typical marvel graphic and a nonsimultaneous sound of Peggy and Captain America talking in the background. This sound tells us information about the characters before the movie even starts. In this case, we can tell that the two main characters are having some conflicts with a plane. Furthermore, one of the characters can be heard saying she will get help while the other seems to disagree.
Further into the movie we finally get to see the characters with some direct sounds. Which is typically used to show dialog amongst characters. This creates a sense of realism and authentic conversation between Peggy and Captain America. In addition to this, the viewer sees an eye level shot with Peggy as well as Captain America. This eye level shot shows a neutral sense of emotion amongst Peggy and Captain American although they are having a super emotional conversation. Later, we do see an eye level shot of Peggy crying which showcases her sadness since she knows Captain America is dead.
Moreover, we see a close-up of Captain America’s hand as he sets Peggy's photo on his meter dash before crashing the plane. This scenery showcases his love and his senses of regret. He knows that he must crash the plane but doesn’t want to do because he knows he can possibly die which will leave Peggy all alone; however, dispute this it’s the consequences of being a hero.
Moving on, we see an establishing shot of the future in Peggy's perspective. This establishing shot establish a one year later scene and a New York City location. After, the viewer sees a medium long shot with a bunch of characters that are within an office. A diegetic sound of a buzzer can be heard. This creates a sense of confusion for the viewer as there is no sense of understanding of what is happening within the scene. Additionally, a middle-aged man picks up the phone a to suppress the diegetic sound of the buzzer. Once he does this an eye level shot showcasing a neutral facial can be seen of him. Then the viewer sees a close if his fingers as he is writing down the information being given on the phone. This creates a sense of suspense within the story. Most importantly the Postsynchronization dubbing sound which is added after filming a scene added a great suspense to the scene as well leaving the audience on the edge of their seats.
Lastly, the audience sees a change of costume for Peggy. Although her attire is mostly the same, we see a change in makeup. Her once re bolded lips are now light. This can be used to showcase her change of characteristic and her act of changing and making her character to gain respect and equal treatment when working in a room filled with men.
In conclusion, all elements used have showcased characters emotions and characteristics.
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