Peer Reviews
Film #13 Peer Reviews
What specific
elements of the film opening did you like? |
Was there anything
that left you confused? (be specific) |
What suggestions do
you have for changes? |
I like that the
opener started out pretty normal with the girl explaining her morning until
it reached the part with the goldfish and then it just went downhill. |
Is the goldfish
supposed to be a friend of the girl or is the goldfish her child? |
Change the dialogue
where the girl talks about jogging to walking so it matches the scenes that
are shown |
I like the
relatability. I also enjoyed the eating pizza in the bathroom first thing in
the morning and also wrapping the goldfish like a baby. |
It was extremely hard
to hear dialogue so I couldn’t tell what the plot was. It took me a second to
realize that the cuts to talking to the camera was documentary style. |
I suggest turning up
the audio and trimming the talk-to-camera bits, since you can clearly see
where they start and stop the camera. I think you could add more comedic
elements using the camera, to maybe capture a “The Office” vibe. |
I liked the
blog-style element, it makes the opener feel more personal for some reason. I
also like the cutting of the scenes. |
I didn't really catch
why there was blogging in the first place. |
The alarm at the
beginning could be a bit louder, I like the concept nonetheless. |
I liked that she was
original about her film. I also liked her transitions and editing |
The story is
confusing. I am not sure if it is supposed to be a video about her routine. |
I think she should
speak up a little because it was very hard to hear her and maybe make the
video a little shorter. She should also try to make her story more direct
because I am not sure what she was going for. It is almost like she was
vlogging but I do not know what genre that is. I am curious |
- The film was very
entertaining, and accurate to the time period. The music was also
appropriate, and the final sentence of the opening made me want to watch
more. |
- What genre is the
film opener? Is it crime, thriller, or black and white? |
- the quality is a
bit gritty. Hopefully, you can fix the quality a bit. |
I liked how you
narrated your actions, it was almost like you were being interrogated. |
What left me confused
was the reasoning as to why you were talking about your routine. Were you
being questioned or was this a biography? |
I think you should
explain how you got into the position you were and why you were discussing
what you were discussing. |
liked that there was so much narration, it allowed me to understand what was
going on in the film easily. |
was also enteratining. as the audience would never have expected that the
goldfish was not real. What genre of film of this? Will you add any music?
Also, is the women mentally disturbed and thats why shes carrying around this
Goldfish? - Shorten it a bit, perhaps add some sound. |
liked the lighting in the scenes of this film opening especially, as it
contrasted between the dark LED lit bedroom, and the brightly lit
conversational portions |
The acting was also good, as the fluctuations in the main characters voice
portrayed how emotional she was getting as she told her story. I was a bit
confused on the storytelling aspect of the film. The elements of the scenes
and what she was discussing were clearly connected, but it was hard to
understand how all of the parts related to each other. I would suggest a
higher quality camera, especially in the dark scenes outside, as I found it a
bit hard to see what was going on by the end. |
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