My Favorite Genre - PowerPoint
Hey! Welcome to my presentation. Today I will be presenting and explaining the animated film genre. So you may be wondering what exactly is an animated films and what elements does a film have to include/incorporate in order to be considered an animated film.
Animated Films are illustrations, paintings, or drawings photographed frame by frame. These frames usually appear fast going at a movement of 24 frames a second and is not a strict genre.
Animated films are usually within the characteristics of children-friendly movies. Though it is important to note that animated films are not strictly towards children and are always children friendly, but are enjoyable
Some historical examples of animated films include The Humpty Dumpty Circus (1898). Create by filmmakers Albert E. Smith and newspaper cartoonist James Stuart Blackton, both co-founders of the Vitagraph Company. This film is a great example of an animated film because it depicts and illustrates paintings and drawings. ( showcases a character or action frame by frame) In addition, the film is also enjoyable and children friendly
The 1941 film superman introduced the idea of fast and power superhero to the animated world. The filmed showcases a super here within a clip by clip recording and was children friendly as well as enjoyable to viewers. The film was nominated for an academy award for best animated short subject, but lost
The amazing world of Gumball, in which the viewer follows a young cat named gumball and his friend watson. The show clearly depicts a animated film. Though this show isn’t very much children friendly, it is very enjoyable to watch
The last and finale example is SpongeBob. The film is children friendly and depicts a great concept of animated films. The show follows a sponge named SpongeBob under the sea
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