
Showing posts from January, 2021

Movie Opener Brainstorm & Research

 Rise  The intro film has a motivation song in the background playing to show the character is working hard  The film seem to be within the motivational genre Offline  Shows a creepy and horror genre, the viewer can feels confused and unsure what will happen. We see a girl struggling to get out of a cage  Dear Lover  The film is emotional and talks about a sensitive issue. This in turn creates this sense of true emotions and feelings in the authors film.  Dare to Trill  the film shows a teenager and action film showcasing a bunch of teens having a trill night while riding an unknown car. The music adds very much context towards the genre  Always Watching  the film is a very horror film where a character attempts to still another persons life and replace him. The film was very dark. The music and dialogue add many context that help create the films horror theme   The Blue Boar  The film the blue boar reminds me of handmaids...

"Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

How the extract constructs meaning, including the specific representations of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements: camera shots, angles, movement and composition sound mise-en-scene editing This essay should be at least 500 words. You may write and then type if you like but your essay must be submitted typed, by the end of the testing period on Thursday, January 14. Many filming aspects such as sound, editing, mise-en-scene, and camera shots are used to help the viewer understand the components are the fim and many of those include. When the episode of Black Mirror starts the viewer hears the non-diegetic sound of Netflix theme song. This helps the reader that the show being portrayed will be related to Netflix. In addition, The viewer also hears a non-diegetic sound that goes along with the back mirror theme song. The sound is eerie and creates a form of suspense and mystery for the reader. This lets the reader know they should be ready to ex...

"My Film Opening Project - Genre & Group Members"

 I plan to do my project on the genre of animations and plan on working independently 

Film Opening Research # 2- Frozen 2

  How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film?  In the opening sequence of Frozen 2 only two titles are shown in which states, Disney and Walt Disney Animation Studious  What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The Disney castle imagery and mickey mouse turning the boat wheels is prioritized in the opening sequence of the film  What connotations do the images carry?  The imagery carry the idea that the film is going to be an animation. This specifically portraited in the mickey mouse animation opening. This animation is mostly scene in Disney animation opening credits. This shows that the movie will be family and kid friendly  How is genre reinforced through symbolic and technical codes from the outset?  The genre is reinforced in the films outset through the animated backgrounds that can be seen within the ending credits. In addition the ending sce...

Film Opening Research # 1- Soul

How many titles are displayed during the opening sequences to the film? For the opening sequence of the movie Soul , the viewer can see the see the movie starts with a typical Disney scene opener. But this is not quite Disney typical as the typical Disney magic sound is transformed into a terrible and scratchy band sound. The movie opening sequence have two big titles which includes Disney and Pixar. What images are prioritized in the opening sequence?  The typical Disney opening castle scene is prioritized within the beginning sequence as well as the typical Pixar lamp jumping scene where the lamp jumps on the I and replaces the I  What connotations do the images carry? The imagery within the opening sequence creates a feeling of happiest. As the viewer is watching they get this warm happy like feeling that Disney contrast. Overall the imagery, makes it obvious a kid/ family movie or animation is going to s...