Movie Opener Brainstorm & Research


The intro film has a motivation song in the background playing to show the character is working hard 

The film seem to be within the motivational genre


Shows a creepy and horror genre, the viewer can feels confused and unsure what will happen. We see a girl struggling to get out of a cage 

Dear Lover 

The film is emotional and talks about a sensitive issue. This in turn creates this sense of true emotions and feelings in the authors film. 

Dare to Trill 

the film shows a teenager and action film showcasing a bunch of teens having a trill night while riding an unknown car. The music adds very much context towards the genre 

Always Watching 

the film is a very horror film where a character attempts to still another persons life and replace him. The film was very dark. The music and dialogue add many context that help create the films horror theme  

The Blue Boar 

The film the blue boar reminds me of handmaids tale. The film is based around a character facing some sort of strict restriction from her mother. The film is musical about a character facing resistance. The character custom adds many context towards the films genre. 


In the film stalker is a mysterious horror film where a character is being followed by an unknown source. We see the character run away at the very end and goes in her car 


The film nostalgia is mysterious and confusing as the viewer only sees an old lady sorta smiling and then showing an older women. Based on the title one can guess that the old lady is remembering her old time as a young women 

Overall, watchin all of these 9 films have not encouraged me to switch my genre. Although the genre presented are very cool and interesting, I still want to keep and open mind and attempt my genre of animation. 


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