I have finished my editing and here are some final thoughts that I have: I wished I had spent time looking for other candidates that could have filmed my film with me Filming by myself was hard and easy at the same time filming by myself was easy because I didn't have to rely on someone else I wished I could have incorporated more clips that could/would have progressed y storyline: at the end of the day it came down to how much timing and space was available in my 2min film
Everything is Perfect Some changes that were made included adding new clips to broaden out my storyline. In addition, I also added a title and opening credits to my movie and added sound. Lastly, I also cut down from how long each scene was and added a picture at the beginning of my movie for context
Film #13 Peer Reviews What specific elements of the film opening did you like? Was there anything that left you confused? (be specific) What suggestions do you have for changes? I like that the opener started out pretty normal with the girl explaining her morning until it reached the part with the goldfish and then it just went downhill. Is the goldfish supposed to be a friend of the girl or is the goldfish her child? Change the dialogue where the girl talks about jogging to walking so it matches the scenes that are shown I like the relatability. I also enjoyed the eating pizza in the bathroom first thing in the morning and also wrapping the goldfish like a baby. It was extremely hard to hear dialogue so I couldn’t tell what the plot was. It took me a second to realize that the cuts to talking to the camera was documentary style. I suggest turning up the audio and trimmin...
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