"Semester Exam - Film Analyses of Black Mirror (season3, episode 4, San Junipero)

How the extract constructs meaning, including the specific representations of individuals/groups/events/places, through the following technical elements:

camera shots, angles, movement and composition

This essay should be at least 500 words. You may write and then type if you like but your essay must be submitted typed, by the end of the testing period on Thursday, January 14.

Many filming aspects such as sound, editing, mise-en-scene, and camera shots are used to help the viewer understand the components are the fim and many of those include.

When the episode of Black Mirror starts the viewer hears the non-diegetic sound of Netflix theme song. This helps the reader that the show being portrayed will be related to Netflix. In addition, The viewer also hears a non-diegetic sound that goes along with the back mirror theme song. The sound is eerie and creates a form of suspense and mystery for the reader. This lets the reader know they should be ready to expect something suspenseful. Moreover, throughout the movie many forms of diegetic and non-diegetic sounds are used to create a sense of emotion. For example, the scene in the club where the main character is walking, the viewer can hear loud upped sounds which creates a sense of emotion and party. Another example is the diegetic sound the main character hears from the TV’s before she goes into the club too. The sound creates a mysterious feeling for the viewers because they are not sure what is happening on the screen.

Next, the movie opens to a close-shot of a starry ocean water that fades into a starry night. This scene creates a literal contrast towards the glistering ocean and the bright city night. In addition, the scene zooms in and goes from a high angle shot to a low angle shot showing a car filled with teenagers. With this the viewer can hear a diegetic sound on their radio stating that it is 1987. In this case the diegetic sound helped establish the setting of the movie by stating the year.

In addition, the main character is shown at a shoulder-shot before she goes into the club. This Is used to show her decision of going into the club. Moreover, the show uses a wide-shot of the background characters drinking and partying at the club. This helps set the fun and vibey mood feelings the club has. The show also showcases the main characters emotions by including a close up shot of the car video another character asks her if she would like to play. We see that her reaction is portrayed in a close-up and a two-shot scene with the other character to show her anxiousness after the car crashes.

Adding on, the show also uses the two-shot scene to show the conversation between the main character and the girl she comes in contact with. In the two-shot the main character is told to go along with the other girl's conversation. It seems obvious the other girl is trying to get rid or avoiding someone. This scene raises mystery because the viewer is confused as to why the other girl doesn't want to be near the boy she came in the club with.

Lastly, the setting of the show is portrayed throughout the characters customs. We can see the characters wearing retro clothing such as shorts and tucked in polo shirts. This especially helps showcase the main characters personality through what she is wearing. She seems to have a pair of khaki shorts and a blue polo shirt while everyone else at the club is dressed more adultery. This could mean that she is child-like, shy, and close off. We also see her drinking soda and playing video games while everyone is having alcohol and dancing


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