I began my individual filming this week. I had initially started off with the idea of filming an animation, but I soon came to the realization that this wouldn't be possible: with the busy school and work schedule that I have. So I had to adapt and change my theme, essentially instead of doing an animation that can take very long, I decided to film myself.

Most of my filming concept is based around the theme of "coming of age"

This picture above was taken during my filming during work. I only filmed a small portion of my film. During this setting of filming I filmed myself placing my Home depot apron on. The clip was about 30-45 seconds long. I had difficulty filming the scene without background movements, since everyone is always at the locker rooms changing or eating lunch.

This picture was taking when filming outside. I was really looking to capture a sense of emotional symbolism to represent in  my film, sense the film is based around the aspect of emotional depression of a teenager. I had issues with finding the right time to film this, sense it hasn't been raining very much in Florida over the past few days 

This picture was taken to show the set that I had orchestrated for the character that I am representing. I wanted to show a messy and all over the place room. I didn't find any difficulty in this because I am a pretty messy person myself. 


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